When I grow up, I want to be…

Have you noticed how a child lights up when

they talk about their passion?

There's a twinkle in their eyes and their voice swells with excitement. For a moment, life is full of hope, possibilities and imagination.

It's a magical moment to witness - one that we hope to nurture in every child.

At The Red Bow, we enable kids and teens to dream big by experiencing the joy of learning. Thank you for your generous support of our journey in helping children build their bright futures.

Our journey starts with Ted, the lovable teddy bear with a big heart.

Ted holding a big red heart

We all know that teddy bears are loyal companions, bringing us joy and comfort. For many of us, they were our first friend, someone to go on adventures and imagine the future with. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Ted came to live with co-founder Natalia and they became fast friends. As they spent more time together, they started thinking about the positive impact they could have on others. They asked themselves, “what can we do to help disadvantaged children and young people achieve a brighter future?”

The answer was simple: provide kids with the opportunities they need to learn, grow and excel at life. And so, The Red Bow was born.

The name “The Red Bow” is a tribute to the beautiful bow that Ted wears. It is meant to symbolise love, joy and hope - everything we hope to give kids with our charity.

 A message from our founder, Ted:

I’m here to put a smile on every kid’s face and provide lots of cuddles. While I love bringing joy to those around me, I know that I can make a bigger impact through The Red Bow.

At The Red Bow, we ensure that kids living in hardship get the support they need so they can have a brighter future. I might just be one small teddy bear (well, not that small), but I’m on a mission to empower kids to dream big. 

Join me on this amazing journey! Together, we can create a world where kids from all walks of life have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.